BOY INTERRUPTED (2009) USA – Documentary

Being a documentary this review for “Boy Interrupted” isn’t a commentary on style, but a system. The system that is the American Health Care System, particularly that regarding mental health. My last review, for the film “Boys”, touched on my political views a bit – being that art is subjective in all areas of ones mind, including ideology, how can one not have an “art blog” without a touch of politics?

“Boy Interrupted” documents the life of Evan Perry, who’s life was sadly cut short when he committed suicide in 2005. The film was directed and photographed by his documentary film making parents, director Dana Heniz Perry, and cinematographer Hart Perry. Being that both parents are film makers, Evan had more home footage growing up then the average child – especially in the pre smartphone era. It seemed as if every moment in his life was documented, making for more of compiling documentary, seeing Evan for the person, the artist he truly was.

Something that caught my eye, while watching, was something else that Evan had access to. Something that most people don’t. Money.

As stated before the film captures all aspects of Evan’s life, the ups and the downs, accompany by interviews by, family, friends, therapists. All talking about Evan’s troubling, and at times disturbing behavior, suffering from depression at an early age, and all the steps and resources his love ones went through to get the help he needed.

Watching the film though, I couldn’t help but think how lucky he was. As a child Evan seemed to display the same type of behavior as would kids from shows like “Brat Camp” or “Scared Straight”. Environments that would be totally wrong for Evan, and would make things much worst. Evan’s parents had the money and education to know that the tough love military approach does not work on trouble kids, that there is something deeper at play. One of his psychologist, an expert in childhood depression, commented how he feels as if he, “didn’t really get to know Evan”

How could children with rich, complicated brains, handle being treated like animals?

In the end Evan became victim to his own ankhs. Yes, his life was cut sort by this horrible disease, but at least his parents were able to save him briefly. Giving him a loving, and meaningful life, with purpose, even if it was just for a short while.

I couldn’t help but wonder, what would Evan’s life would be like if he continued living? What would have he accomplish? How would the world benefit? Now shouldn’t every kid, of all race and economical status be given that ability?

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